Reciprocities Reciprocities


exhibition curated by Christine Langnauer, Vantaan Taidemuseo ARTSI, Vantaa

Narrating WAR / HABITAT 1, performance-Installation by Ali Akbar Mehta and varialambo, 2021

Narrating WAR / HABITAT 1 (I see so much when I am dying), is a performance-installation by Ali Akbar Mehta and varialambo, as part of the RECIPROCITIES group exhibition curated by Christine Langenauer at Vantaa Taidemuseo ARTSI, Vaanta Finland.

Performance dates:

  • Friday 12.02.2021 (cancelled)
  • Wednesday 10.03.2021 (cancelled)
  • Wednesday 14.04.2021 (cancelled)
  • Sunday 16.05.2021 (cancelled)

The exhibition discusses power relations, practices, and systems that define groups of people or individuals according to how well they fit into the norms in power. Who are we dependent on? Who has the power to decide the things that affect us and how do those decisions affect our lives? What is the norm? The exhibition is based on the current period of exception, which has raised these issues even more strongly.

Read the curatorial note, written by Christine Langenauer, here.

from L to R: Hatz Lambo Varia Sjöström and Ali Akbar Mehta, Konepaja, Helsinki, 2021 from L to R: Hatz Lambo Varia Sjöström and Ali Akbar Mehta, Konepaja, Helsinki, 2021

Narrating WAR / HABITAT 1 (I see so much when I am dying), performance by Ali Akbar Mehta and varialambo, as part of the RECIPROCITIES group exhibition curated by Christine Langenauer at Vantaa Taidemuseo ARTSI, Vaanta Finland.

Narrating WAR / HABITAT 1 (I see so much when I am dying)

Ali Akbar Mehta and varialambo

Konepaja, Helsinki


The performance installation Narrating WAR / HABITAT 1 (I see so much when I am dying) by Ali Akbar Mehta and varialambo (Varia Sjöström and Hatz Lambo) is a coming together of two discrete streams of thinking that reflect on the notions of violence, conflict and forms of countering them. While the performance Narrating WAR is based on a comprehensive, continually updated timeline of ‘wars, battles, sieges, revolutions, bombings and rebellions’ – from 3000 BCE up to the present, it is located within the universe of the HABITAT 1 as a sanctuary that facilitates interactive defragmentation. The performance claims that the most continuous history of humanity is the histories of conflict, and shifts the gaze to look at wars as ‘a single, global planetary civil war’. The aim of this performance is to ask ‘How to care for the pain of others?’ ‘How to Narrate War?