Who is Welcome? – Thinking Hospitality as Museum of Impossible Forms Who is Welcome? – Thinking Hospitality as Museum of Impossible Forms

Who is Welcome? – Thinking Hospitality as Museum of Impossible Forms

Rehearsing Hospitalities Companion 2, (ed.) Yvonne Billimore and Jussi Koitela, (pub.) Archive Books, Berlin, in collaboration with Frame Contemporary Art Finland, Helsinki, FI

“…the issues of hospitality and fantasy are inextricably linked – the promise of equality has always been weighed against its counter mechanisms of right-wing populist politics, neoliberal capitalism, ethno-fanato-nationalism, and its older more virulent strains of memetic concepts, namely patriarchy, misogyny, cissexism and its pseudo-scientific offspring – race, class, and caste. A relationship between reason and unreason (fantasy) embedded within the late modern criticism has been the basis of articulation for a certain idea of the political, the community, the subject – a ‘Biopolitical’ agency, one that inherently above all and everything else is ‘able to’…”

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