Cultural production and racism: How to challenge racist structures
in 'Rasismi, valta ja vastarinta' (Racism, power and resistance), (ed) Suvi Keskinen, (pub.) Gaudeamus
Essay written in collaboration with Marianne Savallampi, for Racism, Power and Resistance (in Finnish)
Everyday racism is often subtle and not appalling. Many don’t even understand their behavior as racist.
Racism permeates Finnish society as an everyday and experiential phenomenon, but it is also an institutional and structural problem. The Black Lives Matter movement has also sparked a debate here and shown that many people need information that is specifically adapted to the Finnish environment and based on research. Who can or must talk about racism?
Racism, power and resistance present racism and colonialism in Finnish society and their global connections. Everyday examples of high school TET training for policing are eye-opening. The work questions the racist definitions of Finnishness and the unhistorical understanding of racism, and makes anti-racism visible. The work gives voice to racist researchers and civic activists and provides tools for anti-racist action.
citation reference:
Savallampi, M., & Mehta, A. A. (2021). Museum of Impossible Forms ja antirasistisen kulttuurituatannon haasteet. In S. Keskinen, M. Seikkula, & F. Mkwesha (Eds.), Rasismi, Valta ja Vastarinta (pp. 221–224). Gaudeamus.