Cyber Archives
Die Schule der Archaeutopie in conversation with Ali Akbar Mehta, Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien, Vienna, 2018
The ‘School of Archeutopia’ in a talk with Ali Akbar Mehta on ‘Cyber Archives’ - their roles and responsibilities as collective memory, as ‘the embodiment of the witness’, and as a ‘location of culture’.
Ali Akbar Mehta deals with collective history, identity and conflict narratives in his cross-media artistic practice. In a lecture followed by a conversation, he gives an insight into his research field of the Cyber Archives.
The artist and curator lives and works in Helsinki and Mumbai. He is a founding member of the “Museum of Impossible Forms” in Helsinki. In 2018 he completed his master’s degree in Visual Culture, Curating, and Contemporary Art at Aalto University with a thesis entitled “Cyber Archive: Being and Doing Knowledge”.
The conversation will be moderated by Antonia Plessing, member of the School of Archaeutopia.
More info here