Congratulations, the Space is invaded: Now What? Congratulations, the Space is invaded: Now What?

Congratulations, the Space is invaded: Now What?

part of Space Invaders VI, curated by Anna Jensen and Elisa Suvanto, Helsinki

“Congratulations, the Space is invaded: Now What?”, at SPACE INVADERS VI - 'Living Together’, Helsinki, 2018

By looking at the repeated gestures of Space Invasion and subsequent post-revolution spaces, we understand that the main difficulty in post-revolution spaces is maintaining the changed status quo, and to not revert back into sedimented hegemonies of power.

If Invading Space as an artistic practice may be thought to resonate with anarchist thinking, ie. a reclaiming of space from sedimented and stratified practices of capital based allocations of space, then we have to ask or think together, ‘How, may archives help us to not have to start from zero, when Invading Spaces? What to do after Invading Space? How can we take space to make space?’

To see recording of the performance lecture, click here

To learn more about Space Invaders, click here